Was können Ihre Patienten erwarten?

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Bessere Prognostizierbarkeit und Kontrolle

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  • Was können Ihre Patienten erwarten?
  • Interagieren. Entdecken. Erkunden.
  • Bessere Prognostizierbarkeit und Kontrolle
  • Immer innovativ
  • Beständiger Kundenservice
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    SmartTrack Broschüre


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    Invisalign G4 Erweiterungen Verkaufshilfe*


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    Invisalign i7 Broschüre für den Arzt


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    Global ATI Leitfaden


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    SmartTrack FAQ


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    Invisalign G4 Erweiterungen FAQ


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    Invisalign i7 Broschüre für den Patient*Patient


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    Invisalign Patienten Flyer*Patient


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    Invisalign Patienten Broschüre*Patient


  • *Um die hier gezeigten Materialien zu erwerben, gehen Sie einfach auf die Registerkarte “Webstore” auf Ihrer IDS.

Letzte Kommentare

  • Dr. Patrice Bergeyron, France

    Les attachements pour les enfants avec des dents non complétements évolués sont bénéfiques. Pour les adultes il faut trouver un compromis entre l'efficacité de la multiplication des attachements et leur apparence inesthétique. Le SmartTrack semble plus confortable et diminu le nombre de casses chez les Teen.

  • Dr. Jaime Villa Molina, Spain

    Congratulations. Estoy seguro que Invisalign ya ha marcado un antes y un después en los Tratamientos de Ortodoncia. Sinceramente, esta técnica tiene mucho futuro.

  • Dra. Silvia Ascasíbar, Spain

    Original y estilosa puesta en escena para la presentación de SmartTrack, el nuevo material que permite mayor control y mejor ajuste. ¡Enhorabuena!

  • Dr Leal Ramos, Spain

    After watching videos and reading about the new features of SmartTrack, I think it will provide even better Invisalign clinical outcomes alongside with aesthetics and comfort improvements. I am very excited about the introduction of SmartTrack!

  • Dr Giulio Re, Italy

    È stato proprio un evento interessante. Complimenti!!

  • Dr Drechsler, Germany

    SmartTrack now allows tooth movements, that we didn’t believe were possible before, to be successfully treated with Invisalign!

  • Dr Mottolese, Italy

    La tecnologia abbinata al comfort danno grandi soddisfazioni al paziente e al medico.

  • Dr Essers, Germany

    I'm sure that SmartTrack will bring a real improvement of efficiency in aligner therapy.

  • Dr Gentile, Italy

    Il paziente sente di essere curato in una condizione di costante progresso e ogni passo e' rivolto al suo benessere.

  • Dr Setbon, France

    I am excited about the new products of Invisalign. I hope this will improve our treatments and patient's benefits.

  • Dr Kemper-Broer, Germany

    I am curious about the improvement of patient's comfort and how the new material will influence aesthetic outcome and handling of the aligners.

  • Dr Reverdito, Italy

    La difficoltà nella rimozione degli allineatori, soprattutto nei casi con marcato affollamento, o numerosi attachments, o denti trapezoidali, rappresenta forse la lamentela più comune dei pazienti. Risolvere questo disagio rappresenta già di per sè una innovazione degna di nota per una tecnica ortodontica scelta in particolare dai pazienti in cerca di estetica e comodità.

  • Dr Garino, Italy

    The new material seems to be a perfect combination with the smart force features thus increasing efficiency and tooth movement predicatibility.

  • Dr Vacca, Italy

    Ciò che riguarda il miglioramento del comfort è senza dubbio un grande vantaggio aggiunto, oltre all’ancora migliorato aspetto estetico degli allineatori.

  • Dr De Lorenzo-Caceres, Spain

    La mayor elasticidad del material que lo hace mas comodo de llevar y facil de remover, junto con unas fuerzas mantenidas a lo largo del periodo de uso de cada alineador, lo mejoran considarablemente.

  • Dr Convertino, Italy

    Il materiale sicuramente sarà molto più confortevole per i pazienti e soprattutto nelle prime fasi dei casi con molto affollamento, eviterà il distacco di attachements, e più predicibilità sugli spostamenti.

  • Dr Jones, Germany


  • Dr Schwarze, Germany

    Aligners are fitting better and possibly control movements better due to softer inner layer of the new material!

  • Dr Cottet, France

    More patient comfort, more aesthetic.

  • Dr Castroflorio, Italy

    The patient ease of aligner insertion and removal in those cases requiring a great number of attachments.

  • Dr Schupp, Germany

    Patient comfort and aligner fit seem to have improved.

  • Dr Bazzucchi, Italy

    It seems that the material is more elastic and the movements are more predictable.

  • Dr Castroflorio, Italy

    The insertion and removal of the aligner is easier in cases which have severe crowding or a lot of attachments: this means happier patients.

  • Dr Gardner, UK

    The new material responds well. I would not be concerned if this material were to replace the current material.

  • Dr Souchet, France

    The new material is more comfortable for the patient.

  • Dr Gardner, UK

    Tracking would appear to be better for all movements.

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